
4 AKEBONO REPORT 2012 Akebono Brake Industry Co. Ltd.We Continue Monozukuri in JapanSpecial FeatureHow should we tackle the tasks and targets identified through our experienceof the Great East Japan Earthquake? How will we maintain growthamid severe conditions on the six fronts* Japan’s manufacturers are nowconfronting??Seeking the answers to such questions we held a dialogueon the theme “Akebono continues Monozukuri manufacturingvalue-added products in Japan.”From left: Kenji Onuki General Affairs Department General Affairs Section; Takashi Goto Production Engineering Development Department Production Engineering Division;Tadahiro Mita Product Planning Department R&D Division; Yoshiro Hayakawa Purchasing Planning Department Purchasing Division; Teruyuki Yamamoto Monozukuri Center*The six fronts include: The appreciation of yen high corporate tax rate strict labor regulations demand for CO2 reduction (environmental regulations) the delayed response to theFree Trade Agreement (FTA) and electric power supply shortages.


