
for improvement. We should bolster the Company’s strengths evenfurther while working to seize these oppotunities. I believe that inthese ways, we can help all associates have hope for a brighterfuture for Akebono as well as for their careers, and further, createan even better company. Currently, only a few of the foreignnationals in the Company’s employment are stationed in Japan. Bythe time we celebrate the centennial, however, I hope to see moreworking at the Ai-City headquarters. iexpect the Company tobecome a more diversity-friendly organization.Nishiyama: We should not fail to mention that the strong foundationthat Akebono has built over 85 years is primarily due to customers’ongoing support. iexpect the Company to remain aninnovator that prioritizes customer satisfaction well beyond 15years into the future. Working together, every business unit muststrive to deliver even better products while every associate mustaccurately address user feedback, whether it be praise or constructivecriticism. These tasks may seem nothing out of the ordinary,but I believe that it this kind of quiet, steady effort that creates thefoundation for a more vibrant and promising company. As a developer,I aspire to have overcome all the challenges I currently face bythe time we celebrate the centennial. To this end, I will closely workwith fellow engineers overseas as I promote global developmentinitiatives. Also, I would hope to remain highly motivated, filled withas much fresh enthusiasm as the new recruits who will be joiningme in 15 years.Seko: I would like to remain in good health, of course, and I hopeto help create a company in which all associates find their workrewarding. I will thus do my best to carefully listen to the needs ofother departments and to spearhead efforts to resolve problemsthroughout the Group.Ishii: At the very least, I want to maintain my current level of passion.Simultaneously, I would like to become a senior associatewho nurtures independent thinkers capable of resolving challenges.To that end, I will work to gain experience in various areas over thecourse of the next 15 years and to fully utilize my experience totrain my junior colleagues.Ono: If I can help make Akebono a better company that is evenmore loved by its associates, I would be quite happy. To win over asmany “Akebono fans” as possible, I would like to consistently contributeto solutions whenever problems arise, carefully addressing andexamining other associates’ concerns, no matter how small they are.Shirata: Until recently, I had never thought about what Akebonowould be like in the year of its centennial, because 2029 seemedto be so far in the future. Becoming a project member increasedmy desire to see Akebono thriving in 2029 and beyond. To makethis happen, one of my primary roles is to develop my junior colleaguesinto competitive associates who can lead the future of theCompany. With years of training from senior colleagues behindme, I hope to become a good mentor for the junior associates I willbe helping 15 years from now. I believe I can help make Akebonoan even better company in this way. Although YamagataManufacturing is a world-leading brake pad manufacturer in termsof production capacity, I would like to help secure a world-leadingreputation for product quality as well.Sakuma: Building on our heritage, we must pass on our legacy toour junior colleagues. One of my personal goals for the Company’scentennial is to further increase the number of associates with aproactive mindset.Hayashi: My work on the project made me even more committedto helping foster a true sense of unity throughout every businessunit and location and to creating a company in which everyoneworks together as one toward common goals. I suspect that eachdepartment and business base has its own problems and issues,many of which may be invisible from the outside. When it comesto pursuing Group targets and profit goals, however, it should beeasier for everyone to come together to achieve these goals, nomatter what department he or she works in. Looking ahead to thecentennial, I will help create a working environment in which allGroup associates work as one toward these goals and find itrewarding to do so.Okada: Fifteen years from now, the young people celebratingtoday will be in a position to volunteer and help organize theCentennial?I hope they do so. Until then, I will work to ensure thatthose future volunteers benefit from the experience and knowledgethat I gained in the course of my service as the leader of this project.At the same time, I would like to help create a company that deliverseven better products by employing its accumulated expertise.Also, I’m very happy to know that Group colleagues overseas arediligently supporting the 85th anniversary year commemorativeevents. I hope I will still be working with such comrades 15 yearsfrom now. When we celebrate the centennial, I hope to see thatAkebono is the company of choice among customers worldwidewhile remaining the best place to work over the long-term. I’m alsoconvinced that this project has helped me grow. I will work hard toapply skills ilearned in the course of the project to enhance mycapabilities in primary duties.Each overseas Group subsidiary has proactively taken part in the 85th anniversary commemorativeevents. Preliminary rounds of robot competitions and rapid calculation contestshave been held in preparation for the finals at the ceremony in November 2014,and have been a roaring success.


