Celebrating Our 85th AnniversaryLooking toward its centennial and beyond Akebono will work to enhance its Groupwide strengths.Observing Our Anniversary with Associates around the GlobeOn January 27 2014 Akebono marked the 85th anniversary ofits founding. To celebrate this milestone the Company launcheda project team to spearhead the event which centered on thethree themes “Reviewing Our History ” “Considering the Future”and “Building a Sense of Unity: A Celebration for All Associates.”Beginning with a “kickoff” event held in April a variety ofactivities were organized during 2014 at domestic and overseaslocations with the 85th anniversary ceremony in Novembertopping it all off. It was the first time Akebono has held such amajor event simultaneously on a global basis.The 85th Anniversary CeremonyHeld on November 24 2014 the 85th anniversary ceremony welcomedparticipants from a number of Akebono business locations viateleconferencing. Among them were the Ai-City headquarters and fiveproduction sites namely Yamagata Manufacturing FukushimaManufacturing Iwatsuki Manufacturing Sanyo Manufacturing andTatebayashi Foundry as well as nine other business sites. Associates atoverseas locations joined in the celebration sending video messages.Moreover to ensure that everyone could share in the atmosphere ofcelebration the Company produced DVDs featuring video recordingsof the event and sent them to locations worldwide.At the ceremony overviews of related events and contests held atGroupwide locations were presented. For example each locationreported on a commemorative tree planting event which involved treespecies specifically chosen by associates to represent a particularvision. Also the results of robot competitions* and rapid calculationcontests** were announced. Related events at various locationsincluded an exhibition held at Ai-City. Timing the exhibition to coincidewith the ceremony Ai-City associates presented story boards depictingthe histories of a number of the Akebono products since the Company’sfounding as well as a chronology of each department. Also on displaywere artistic pieces of calligraphy with each associate choosing oneChinese character to communicate their commitment to pursuing theirgoals. Commemorative events were still being held as of the time ofthis publication with the objectives of facilitating mutual understandingbetween worksites and locations and a sense of unity among associates.A Celebration for All Associates with the ProjectTeam Member Playing the Leading RoleThe 85th anniversary ceremony and related events were solely theresponsibility of Akebono associates. To lead the overall process aproject team consisting of 10 young or mid-level associates was formedto utilize human resources who are expected to be among the nextgeneration of Akebono’s business leaders. In addition to these projectmembers every associate throughout the Group was encouraged toplay a role in organizing these events from the ground up.At the 85th anniversary ceremony President Hisataka Nobumotogave a speech saying “I will be very pleased if this project providesyou with opportunities to consider the Company’s future and the roleyou want to play in it. As our centennial approaches I challenge youto think about this and take action accordingly.”Going forward Akebono will strive to expand its Groupwide operationsby building on the sense of unity that grew from this series ofcelebratory events. We are now moving forward toward our centennialand beyond with each associate doing their best to play a key role increating a prosperous future for the Company.* Robot competitions: Teams of three associates each pitted remote-controlled robotsthey designed and assembled themselves against each other in a speed contestinvolving transporting table tennis balls.** Rapid calculation contests: A relay race in which teams of three associates each competefor best calculation speed. Vying to finish first participants tackled a number ofcomputational problems using desk calculators PCs or other methods of choice.A congratulatory surprise presented by McLaren at the 85th anniversary ceremonyAi-City associates gathered at the ceremonyRobot competition (Mexico)Each department prepared a chronologyCommemorative tree planting (Thailand)Rapid calculation contest (the United States)