
With Our AssociatesOur Initiatives to Improve Workplace Safety and HealthAkebono is striving to provide its associates with an even better workplace environment.Occupational Safety and Health ManagementStriving to ensure the safety and health of its associates theAkebono Group established the Occupational Safety and HealthManagement Structure with the aim of thoroughly addressingvarious risks related to its operations including disasters accidentsand other emergencies. Placing the utmost emphasis on securingthe safety of our personnel we have set the rules that allow nonewly recruited associate or contract worker to engage in actualoperations unless they have undergone the required safety education.We also distribute Need-to-Know about Safety Knowledge a booklet summarizing important safety issues to all associates toraise their safety awareness.Response to the Problem of AsbestosWell ahead of other domestic companies Akebono began thedevelopment of asbestos-free products in the 1970s. Not only didwe complete the transition to asbestos-free products for new carsby 1994 we have not manufactured service parts containingasbestos since 2000. In July 2005 Akebono launched the“Asbestos Special Committee” and established a “HealthConsultation Room” within each Group company implementingcomplementary health checks for neighbors ex-associates andtheir family members. In total 616 people have undergone asbestoshealth checks as of March 31 2015. We plan to continuethese checks in the future.On November 28 2012 a lawsuit was filed against Akebono byex-associates and bereaved families of ex-associates demandingcompensation for health damage allegedly attributable to asbestoscontained in its products. As of April 30 2015 hearings were heldon 14 occasions. We will respond to their claims for such damagewith sincerity.Akebono’s Safety and Health Management StructureSpecialized task forcesCentral Safety Environment CommitteeEnvironment preservation task forceHeadquarters Safety andHealth CommitteeACW Safety and Health CommitteeACS Safety and Health CommitteeHead Office Safety and Health CommitteeCommittee with observers participatingAkebono 123R&D CentreAlocsRoad safetyFire and accident preventionSafety operationHealth managementWorkplace hygieneYamagata ManufacturingFukushima ManufacturingIwatsuki ManufacturingSanyo ManufacturingTatebayashi FoundryAlocsSafety and HealthCommittee at each officeBreakdown of Number of Examinees(from August 2005 to March 2015)Figures in parentheses represent increases from the previous yearEx-associates Families ofex-associates Neighbors TotalAsbestosis found 41 0 0 41Pneumoconiosisfound16 0 0 16No findings410(+3)37 112559(+3)Total467(+3)37 112616(+3)

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