The Akebono Group has a shared Environmental Declaration and Basic Environmental Policies that govern its efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities and promote development of environmentally considerate products. The Environmental Declaration and Basic Environmental Policies that were formulated in 2001 will be shared throughout the Group, and we will continue to undertake EnvironmentInitiatives for Society and Environment|Environmental ManagementEnvironmental DeclarationEnvironmental and CSR Management SystemBasic Environmental PoliciesBased on our Corporate Mission and Declaration for the 21st Century, we will continue to create new value in the new millennium, contributing to both the Company and the environment. As a global corporate citizen, we will also strive to protect the environment on a global scale and implement ongoing voluntary activities aimed at creating a safe, vibrant society that co-exists in harmony with the environment.Established 20011. From the early development and design stages, we will actively pursue initiatives that give consideration to both safety and the environment. We will promote the development of technologies and products that minimize environmental impact.2. Each and every associate will make ongoing efforts to reduce environmental impact and promote an eco-friendly society by conserving energy and resources, recycling and reducing waste.3. In addition to complying with environmental laws, regulations and agreements, we will endeavor to enhance our environmental management by establishing voluntary management standards both in Japan and overseas.4. We will actively disclose information to increase understanding of our environmental initiatives and encourage positive relationships with communities with the aim of creating a better living environment.Established 2001environmental preservation activities led by the Global Environment Committee. *1 SOC (Substance of Concern): Environmentally hazardous substances, including mercury, cadmium, lead and hexavalent chromium*2 VOC (Volatile Organic Compound): Toluene and xylene are representative of this group’s compounds, which are suspected of involvement in the development of substances that cause health concerns, including oxidant and airborne particulate matters*3 LCA (Life Cycle Assessment): A technique for analyzing and assessing the environmental impact associated with the entire life cycle of a product (mining of materials, manufacturing, use, recycling and disposal)*4 PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register): Japan’s Act on Conrmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specic Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof (PRTR Act) was passed into law in 1999 and enforced in 2001. Under the law, business operators which handle more than a certain amount of specied chemical substances are required to submit reports to the competent minister annually.*5 3R: Acronym for reduce, reuse and recycling of resources, activities that contribute to a recycling society*6 Zero-emissions: Proposed by the United Nations University in 1994, a system wherein companies aim to emit no waste, engaging rather in resource recycling and the effective utilization of waste*7 Green purchasing: Afrmative selection and acquisition of products that impose less negative environmental impact; scope includes materials used in products as well as secondary materials used in the course of manufacturing. The manufacture of “Green Products” requires the practice of green purchasing.R&D DivisionManufacturing Division, Production Engineering DivisionPurchasing DivisionAdministrative DepartmentsSectional committeesSectional committeesSectional committeesSectional committeesSectional committeesGlobal Environment CommitteeSecretariatTechnology and Environment Task ForceManufacturing Environment Task ForceGreen Purchasing*7 Task ForceHuman & Social Environment Task Force•SOC*1 free•Logistics environment•AKEBONO REPORT•Green purchasing promotion•VOC*2 reduction•3R*5•Zero-emissions*6•CO2 reduction project•Surface nishing technology•LCA*3/PRTR*4 promotion•Improvement of working environment for all workers•Facilitation of exchanges with local communitiesBasic Policy and StructureAKEBONO REPORT 201629