We strive to ensure that our associates are assigned optimal positions and work locations based on their competencies, regardless of their nationality. To this end, our human resource recruitment, nurturing and administration systems are premised on abundant respect for human rights as well as associates’ individuality, privacy rights and diverse value systems.In particular, we are developing our associates’ communication skills, exibility in dealing with diverse cultures and their linguistic abilities. Addressing differences in training programs and personnel systems by location, we are working to enhance our Japanese associates’ ability to operate in global business settings, putting emphasis on training those who have had few opportunities to engage in duties with peers from other countries with different cultures and native tongues.As a part of training programs for newly recruited associates, Akebono has prepared globally unied educational materials for use at all Group business locations. In scal 2011, Akebono has issued the Akebono Starter Book, a standard educational package that features the Company’s corporate history since its founding, characteristics of its operations in each region and explanations of APS (Akebono Production System or Akebono Philosophy and Spirit), its corporate culture and philosophy as well as corporate brand management activities. The book is being used in training programs. By learning through this book, all associates are equally informed of the basic knowledge and concepts necessary to act as Akebono business persons. Moreover, with the addition of programs that reect local concerns, we are developing human resource educational programs optimized for each region and location.Human Resources Nurturing and Personnel SystemNurturing Globally Capable Human ResourcesInitiatives for Societyand EnvironmentSince its establishment in 2012, Ai-Village global training center has served as a training ground for numerous associates. Around half of the training sessions held there consist of programs spearheaded by the Human Resources Department, in addition to which there are job level-based training programs and training for selected associates organized by operating departments, such as those handling development, technology, sales and production. In addition to being used as a place for retreat-type training sessions, there were some instances where Ai-Village was used by associates trapped by inclement weather. To maximize the site’s utilization, in scal 2014 the Company decided to expand the lineup of training programs, initiating Ai-Campus, a series of open seminars comprising around 80 courses. Among these are language training programs aimed at nurturing globally capable associates as well as lectures on basic knowledge about manufacturing and Akebono products. Looking ahead, we will continue to strive to fully utilize this facility to nurture competitive human resources.View of Ai-Village“Ai-Village”A Center for Nurturing Globally Capable AssociatesAs Akebono globalizes its operations, the Group is working to recruit and develop human resources who can work in and outside of Japan, and taking a proactive approach on issues such as managing diversity and achieving a work-life balance.Human Resources and DiversityBasic Human Resources PolicyAkebono believes that the most important factor that guides a company to success is human talent (our associates).Guided by that belief, we set forth our basic human resource policy that “each associate must be given the opportunity to exert their abilities and be continuously supported to share their success with the company.” We are striving to build our long-term global personnel policy as well as to facilitate associates’ ability to establish their individuality and foster mutual respect and trust.Moreover, we are working on human rights education and enlightenment with high regard for human rights to achieve an organization with abundant diversity and creativity.To provide opportunities to all associates and to support them so that they can share the company’s successes.32AKEBONO REPORT 2016