In April 2016, Akebono received the Eru Boshi Designation (Third Grade)* from the chief of the Saitama Labor Bureau. The Eru Boshi Designation system provides business owners who have performed excellent activities to promote women’s career by applying their detailed plan to prefectural labor bureau. The designation is received from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. There are ve evaluation criteria and accredited between grade 1 and grade 3 based on a result of the evaluation. Akebono achieved the top rank of Grade 3. We will continue working to be a company where all of our associates can work with motivation and enthusiasm, regardless of gender.Akebono Receives “Eru Boshi Designation” based on the Act Concerning Promotion of Women’s Career ActivitiesTOPICSHuman Resources and DiversityAkebono aims to strengthen its corporate capabilities in a way that reects the high respect it has for the values of each associate and their diversity. In other words, the Company cherishes associates’ individual aspirations regarding work and life so that each can develop their creativity in the course of their duties, which, in turn, will help bring about a more vibrant company overall.Akebono is promoting diversity because it recognizes that as it expands globally, it is becoming increasingly important to establish a corporate structure that helps each associate realize their full potential regardless of their value system or cultural background. In line with this recognition, we are promoting diversity management centered on three key initiatives, namely, diversity promotion; work-life balance promotion; and career development assistance.Promoting DiversityInitiatives for Society and Environment*Official nickname for the designation of the General Business Owner Complying with the Standard based on the Act for Promoting the Advancement of Women. Basic Themes of Diversity ManagementAnorganization capable of maximizing the abilities of each employeePromotion of work-life balancePromotion of diversityCareer supportEru Boshi Mark (Third Grate)AKEBONO REPORT 201633