“Safety Knowledge” bookletAt Akebono we aim to create safe workplaces and an even better environment for all associates.Workplace Safety and HealthStriving to ensure the safety and health of its associates, the Akebono Group established the Occupational Safety and Health Management Structure, with the aim of thoroughly addressing various risks related to its operations, including disasters, accidents and other emergencies. Placing the utmost emphasis on securing the safety of our personnel, we have set the rules that allow no newly recruited associate or contract worker to engage in actual operations unless they have undergone the required safety education. We also distribute Need-to-Know about Safety Knowledge, a booklet summarizing important safety issues, to all associates to raise their safety awareness.Well ahead of other domestic companies, Akebono began the development of asbestos-free products in the 1970s. Not only did we lead the field in completing the transition to asbestos-free OEM products for new cars by 1992 and commercial vehicles by 1994, we have not manufactured service parts containing asbestos since 2000. We provide health consultations relating to asbestos and have implemented complementary health checks for neighbors, ex-associates and their family members. In total, 619 people have undergone asbestos health checks as of March 31, 2016. We plan to continue these checks in the future.Occupational Safety and Health ManagementResponse to the Problem of AsbestosInitiatives for Society and EnvironmentEx-associates Families of ex-associatesNeighborsTotalAsbestosis found410041Pneumoconiosis found160016No ndings412(+2)37113(+1)562(+3)Total469(+2)37113(+1)619(+3)Breakdown of Number of Examinees(from August 2005 to March 2016)Akebono’s Safety and Health Management StructureFigures in parentheses represent increases from the previous yearAssociate Safety MeetingLocation Safety EnvironmentCommitteesSpecialized task forcesSafety operationHealth management Road safetyFire and accident preventionWorkplace hygieneYamagata ManufacturingFukushima ManufacturingIwatsuki ManufacturingSanyo ManufacturingTatebayashi FoundryAlocsHead OfficeCentral Safety Environment CommitteeSafety and Health Promotion DepartmentAKEBONO REPORT 201635