Initiatives for Societyand EnvironmentAkebono is contributing to society through various activities.Social ContributionSince 1965, Akebono has provided scholarships through its Vocational Scholarship Program, a program that allows students to earn wages by working at Akebono while also covering their academic fees for a period of three years. This program has supported junior college students earning degrees in early childhood education or nutrition to acquire specialist qualifications in these fields.The Vocational Scholarship Program is currently operated only at Akebono Brake Fukushima Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The scholarship students live together in the corporate dormitory and engage in shift work to pursue their studies while working. By using their pay to cover their course fees, they can graduate by their own efforts and acquire qualifications. Once they complete their qualifications, they will go on to work at other companies, or as kindergarten teachers or nursery workers.Over its 50-year-long history, the program has provided scholarships to more than 3,000 students, who include some second generation recipients. We strive to maintain robust relationships with local residents through the provision of scholarship programs aimed at helping young people realize their dreams.On the site of Fukushima Manufacturing is a dormitory called “To-En-Ryo”. As the dormitory had aged, it was rebuilt in fiscal 2015 and the completion ceremony was held in March 2016. Not only does Akebono proactively accept interns from abroad, it also organizes exchange events where interns and associates find their sense of being part of an international concern nurtured through the exchange of ideas. In fiscal 2012, the Company began holding such events under the title “Internship Forums” under set themes. Stepping up this initiative, in fiscal 2014 these events were renamed “Diversity Forums,” with Vocational Scholarship Program; Assisting Future Leaders in Their Pursuit of EducationInternshipsthe scope of eligible participants being expanded to include trainees from overseas Group members as well as Japanese expatriates. Approximately 60 attendees participate in each of these forums, which facilitate mutual understanding of countries around the world through presentations on local industries and cultures and question and answer sessions. Going forward, we will provide further opportunities for exposure to diverse cultures and value systems, thereby nurturing a greater number of human resources capable of succeeding on the global stage.Akebono proactively invites external companies as well as students from local elementary and junior high schools to tour its offices and plants across Japan.In fiscal 2015, we invited more than 159 students from four elementary schools in Saitama Prefecture to tour Ai-City headquarters. In addition to a briefing on the Company, these tours involved a visit to “Ai-Museum” (Brake Museum) and a presentation by our mobile brake technology educational center as well as programs aimed at providing hands-on experience of manufacturing at the Monozukuri Center. Such tours help raise visitors’ safety awareness while facilitating their understanding of Akebono and its products.Looking ahead, we will implement initiatives with local enterprises and communities in regions around our domestic and overseas locations. Learning from and inspiring each other, we will grow in tandem with our stakeholders.Offering Ofce and Plant Tours* National Origins of InternsUnited States, United Kingdom, Italy, India, Greece, Sweden, Austria, Spain, Thailand, Slovakia, Germany, Turkey, France, Finland, Portugal, Mexico, Morocco, Canada, Hungary, Netherlands, PolandThe rebuilt “To-En-Ryo”Elementary school students visiting Ai-City36AKEBONO REPORT 2016