
Kurumin MarkAkebono’s Main Initiatives (Japan)Child care leave planAssociates can take leave until the March after the child’s third birthday while receiving aid. This can be taken in multiple parts.Note: Akebono has a child care leave plan that exceeds legal standards.Career partner planA program that provides those who left the Company due to family duties with opportunities to later rejoin Akebono within ve years after their resignation. Eligible associates include those who had served for a continuous period of three years or more before leaving and meet other prescribed criteria.Nursing care leave planAssociates can take up to two years leave per family member to provide nursing care while receiving a stipendChild nursing care planAssociates can take up to ve days of leave per year (ten days for associates with two or more children) to nurse sick or injured children or for children’s doctor visits until the child graduates from elementary school. This leave is separate from annual paid leave.Measures to reduce working hoursChild care plans• Reduced working-hours plan: Associates can use the system multiple times until children graduate from elementary school.• Flex time plan• Child care aid plan: A xed monthly aid until the March following the child’s third birthdayNursing care plans• Reduced working-hours plan: Associates can work reduced hours for a total of up to three years per family member to provide nursing care. These can be taken in multiple parts.• Flex time planImprovements to company environment- Training for new managers regarding the need to consider employees’ balance of work and home life.- Provision of useful information for balancing work and home life through pamphlets and the Intranet.- Akebono Visit Day was held each year during children’s summer holidays to give associates’ families a chance to visit the workplace.Medical leave systemAssociates receive 12 days of medical leave per year in addition to their annual paid vacation, so they can recuperate from unforeseen illness or injury without worrying about work. Since scal 2017, Akebono has promoted health management by requiring managers to pay attention to the safety and health of associates and requiring associates to be self-insured. By raising associate awareness of their health and improving work conditions, we aim to create an environment that is conducive to mental and physical health, with the ultimate objective of improving productivity and creativity. In April 2017, Akebono created the Health Management Declaration, which expresses the Company’s commitment to proactively advancing measures that promote good health as a part of giving back to society, allowing the Company to grow along with its associates while helping associates live healthy fullling lives in both mind and body. We have systemized initiatives we have undertaken in the past in order to take a more focused approach to promoting mental and physical health, and raise health consciousness. Promoting Health Management3PARTS Promoting Work-Life BalanceAkebono puts great emphasis on helping associates strike a good work-life balance. Accordingly, we are constantly working to realize a working environment that accommodates diverse work styles to meet individual needs.For example, we have designed various programs for associates raising children and those caring for their family members to assist them with their efforts to strike a balance between their work and family obligations. We also support associates’ career development efforts while offering opportunities to participate in community activities or self-improvement activities such as foreign language learning.We distribute Life Supporter, a booklet that summarizes the content of these and other programs with the aim of facilitating the utilization of the programs by associates.As a result of these initiatives, Akebono received the “Kurumin” mark from Saitama Labor Bureau in October 2016, recognizing it as a company that actively supports child-raising in accord with the Act on Measures to Support Development of the Next Generation. The Company received this award in November 2007 and June 2013, making this the third time that Akebono has received the “Kurumin” mark.Going forward, we will also implement forward-thinking initiatives with an eye to future issues, thereby securing a corporate structure responsive to issues and changes in the social environment. To create a working environment that offers diverse and exible working styles, we will continuously enhance these programs by incorporating feedback from associates.Sustainable ManagementSocial|Together with Society and StakeholdersHuman Resources and Diversity35 AKEBONO REPORT 2017

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