Oct 11, 2013
Akebono 123 Co., Ltd. Appreciation Day to Mark 10th Anniversary
Akebono 123 Co., Ltd. was established in 2003 to offer employment for people with disabilities. To mark this year's 10th anniversary, the company held an Appreciation Day to express its gratitude for everyone who has supported so far.
Akebono 123 began with 5 employees in September 2003, driven by a desire to create "the best company in Saitama, hand in hand with business and society, and with disabled and nondisabled people." In April 2004, it became the first company in Saitama Prefecture to be officially designated as a special subsidiary in the manufacturing sector. Its business spans areas such as cleaning services, packaging services and account filing services. Akebono 123 has grown to a staff of 5 instructors and 25 employees.
The Appreciation Day was attended by some 90 people, the guest list including Mr. Masahiko Shirota, Director of the Saitama Labor Bureau; Mr. Koumei Kawata, Mayor of Hanyu City, staff of the Saitama prefectural government section for occupational support for people with disabilities, staff involved in education and welfare, and staff family members. Hisataka Nobumoto, President of Akebono Brake Industry, attended and gave a welcome address.
On the day, Akebono 123 was presented a certificate designating it as an outstanding employer of people with disabilities in Saitama Prefecture, awarded in recognition of its initiative in employing people with disabilities and actively making full use of their abilities. The certificate was presented on behalf of Saitama Governor Kiyoshi Udea by Mr. Saito, Deputy Chief of the Saitama Prefectural government section for occupational support for people with disabilities.
Hisataka Nobumoto, President and CEO of Akebono Brake Industry Co., Ltd. (Summary)
This business has grown solidly in the 10 years since Akebono Brake launched it as part of efforts to pursue its social responsibilities as a corporation. Akebono 123 employees work confidently and proficiently alongside people without disabilities, and we are now at a level from which we can further expand the work we do. We believe we can unleash 100% of our employees' abilities and potential through a careful, honest and thorough approach to rethinking the way we work to make it more people-friendly, taking account of the nature of the job performed. While interacting with peers through our work at Akebono Brake, we must also build our employees up and instill a self-identify as able members of working society so that each and every one can live and work independently in the future, and through that process, I ask all employees to strive to grow together.
Koji Saito, President of Akebono 123 Co., Ltd. (Summary)
We started with cleaning services and have expanded to the point that our activities now even encompass manufacturing work. This growth has only been possible through the support and cooperation of everyone involved, and I am truly grateful. My deepest gratitude of all goes to our instructors and employees, who have worked so hard in pursuit of our company's goal to "create the best company in Saitama!" These initial 10 years of employing people with disabilities at the Akebono Brake Group, buoyed by encouragement, have just zipped by. To ensure stable employment for people with disabilities into the next 5, 10 years, we will work even more closely with the Akebono Brake Group and, having fun all the while; strive to fulfill our company mission of developing our people.