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Skill Matrix

Akebono believes that the composition of the Board of Directors needs to be well-balanced with knowledge, experience, and abilities that will contribute to business turnarounds and to the enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term. Accordingly, we have currently defined such knowledge, experience, and abilities as "Business Turnaround," "Corporate Management," "Industry Knowledge," "Research and Development," "Monozukuri (manufacturing excellence and quality)," "Sales and Purchasing" "Finance and Accounting," "Legal, Governance and Compliance," and "Global Experience." The Company has appointed Inside Directors with industry knowledge and Outside Directors with a high level of expertise in their respective fields and experience in business revitalization. The knowledge, experience, and abilities of each Director are as follows.

Name Position Business Turnaround Corporate Management Industry Knowledge Research and Development Monozukuri (manufacturing excellence and quality) Sales and Purchasing Finance and Accounting Legal/ Governance/ Compliance Global Experience
Yasuhiro Miyaji Representative Director & Member of the Board
Masaaki Ando Member of the Board, Executive Officer & CMO
Takashi Komagata Outside Director
Hiroaki Tanji Outside Director & Member of the Board
Audit & Supervisory Committee Member
Yuichi Hiromoto Outside Director & Member of the Board
Audit & Supervisory Committee Member
Yosuke Mishiro Outside Director & Member of the Board
Audit & Supervisory Committee Member
Shigeyuki Kawamoto Outside Director & Member of the Board
Audit & Supervisory Committee Member

* Business Turnaround and Corporate Management do not include experience in the Company's group.

* The above table does not show all the knowledge, experience, and abilities of each Director.